In-person training

The ERTICO Academy offers comprehensive training opportunities encompassing a wide array of topics in the field of transport and mobility. The program is delivered through various methods, including Expert, Peer2Peer, and Missions Training.

Academy’s experts provide flexibility in customising the content, format, methodologies, and duration for all three training levels. Additionally, new training programs can be developed and tailored to the specific needs and interests of the stakeholders.

The ERTICO Academy offers training across four distinct levels, each categorized by its delivery format: in-person and online.

In-person training:

  • Mission training: The ERTICO Academy provides an upscale and twinning of knowledge from the Experts and Peers training to generate the highest level of hands-on experience among all trainees. On-site training programs, lasting 2-4 days, are meticulously designed, encompassing knowledge assessment, reporting, and certification. This learning experience fosters long-term capacity building and achieves the highest level of impact on upskilling.
  • Peer2Peer training: The ERTICO Academy provides a collaborative capacity-building approach where cities learn from each other’s experiences and materials. Public authorities and their teams can engage in one-to-one learning with leading urban professionals, gaining access to comprehensive Peer2Peer knowledge exchange encompassing case studies, governance, and policies.
  • Expert training: The ERTICO expert team of in-house and Partnership experts, builds and delivers tailored courses for urban mobility organisations or for specific cohorts of mobility professionals, in order to allow them to overcome specific challenges. By leveraging ERTICO’s unique expertise in the deployment of innovative solutions, the offer is extended and diversified.

Online training:

  • E-learning platform: The web-based training centre offers training courses and educational resources to public and private stakeholders wishing to learn more about mobility solutions that could improve the current transport system. It provides a trainee an opportunity to access courses and educational resources at its own pace. It caters to audiences with beginner, intermediate and advanced levels of understanding smart mobility, multimodal networks, traffic management and more.

The ERTICO Academy offers training modules on the following topics:

  • Digital Freight: This module provides all types of organisations from introductory to in-depth knowledge on the topic.
  • Clean and Electro-Mobility, Decarbonisation: This module will provide cities or organisations pieces of training on clean and eco-mobility solutions, and how to enable their deployment in a sustainable and efficient way.
  • Access to EU Funding Programmes: This module will help organisations and cities find their way through these opportunities and provide tips and tricks on how to create a successful proposal.
  • New Mobility Services & MaaS: This module will give organisations and cities the latest available developments as to enable a connected and integrated mobility network in one’s city.
  • 5G & Internet of Things (IoT): This module will give organisations and cities the latest updates on the topic.
  • C-ITS: This module provides introductory to in-depth knowledge on the topic of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS).
  • Procurement: This module offers to broaden your knowledge of the institutional and regulatory framework of innovative solutions related to digitalisation, mobility data spaces, C-ITS, MaaS, CCAM and transport and logistics; better understanding of the implementation of the European Regulation and procurement procedures for deployment of innovative solutions.
  • SUMPs: This module provides training for cities to help them develop a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) and put it into action.